
This blog is written entirely by Sacred Heart of Mary Girls' School students and run by the RE Department. All students are encouraged to write about a range of topics connected to religion and the media, religion and the news, as well as topics connected to the GCSE and A-Level syllabus. Why not write a contribution? Click here

Monday, 26 August 2013

Why Philosophy?

So why study philosophy at A-Level or even at University?

  • It encourages independent thought - can you think for yourself?
  • It investigates the most profound questions we can ask - is there anything more important to study?
  • It encourages dispute and challenge - can you come to reasoned conclusions?
  • It opens mind and builds character - are you able to change and develop the way you think?
  • It helps to understand complex and difficult arguments and ideas - can you learn and apply new skills?
  • It develops self-understanding - are you ready to think independently and come to new conclusions about yourself, the human race and the world around you? This is real education!
Read more <here>


Welcome to the Sacred Heart of Mary Girls' School A-Level Religious Studies blog. We are embarking on an ambitious project to take it in turns to blog at least weekly on some aspect of our EdExcel A-Level course which covers both philosophy and ethics. 

Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living" and careful reflection upon our lives and the world around us is an important part of our study of both philosophy and ethics. We hope this blog will help us in our understanding as we work towards both AS and A2 qualifications in this subject. Feel free to join in the discussion!

The RE Department
Sacred Heart of Mary Girls' School, Upminster

Please keep all comments posted polite, respectful and constructive. Anything that is not appropriate will be removed.